Amazon Tutorial
- Add a new shipping address to your Amazon account
- Add and redeem a gift card in your account
- Allow a new From email address to receive Kindle eBooks
- Automatically use reward points cash back to pay Amazon
- Buy shipping + print labels in your Amazon seller account
- Change / add cell phone number to your Amazon account
- Change a device's name in your account
- Change credit card (default payment method) on Amazon
- Change email address for your account
- Change shipping address in Amazon order/change default
- Change the default device/app for Amazon Kindle eBooks
- Change the name associated with your Amazon account
- Change the name of a wish list in your Amazon account
- Change your Amazon password
- Change your default payment method for Amazon eBooks
- Change your email notification settings on
- Create a collection of eBooks in the Kindle for PC app
- Create a new wish list in your account
- Create an Amazon seller account to sell your own stuff!
- Delete or hide an item you have for sale on Amazon
- Disable one-click ordering for your account
- Download + install the Kindle app for PC (Windows 7/8/10)
- Download an Amazon order history report as CSV file
- Find books with Amazon's Advanced Book Search
- Find items you bought in your Amazon orders history
- Hide popular highlights in Kindle for PC app eBooks
- How to write a good book or product review on Amazon
- Leave feedback to third-party sellers on
- Remove feedback left for a third-party seller on Amazon
- Remove items from your shopping cart on
- Sell a book (or any other item you own) on
- Shop in another country's Amazon online store
- Skip delivery or cancel an Amazon Subscribe & Save item
- Track the shipping progress of an order on
- Use Citi Thank You points to pay for orders
- View Amazon gift card balance and order purchases
Bitdefender Tutorial
- Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition has blocked a page!
- Delete infected file with Bitdefender Free (Windows 7/8/10)
- Disable automatic background virus scans in Bitdefender
- Download + install Bitdefender Free on Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Launch an on-demand virus scan with Bitdefender Free
- Login to your Bitdefender Free account (or logout)
- Temporarily disable Bitdefender Free anti-virus protection
- View all computers protected by Bitdefender Free edition
Facebook Tutorial
- Add a Facebook like box page plugin to your blog/website
- Add a cell phone number to your Facebook account
- Add a logo to your Facebook page (or change it)
- Add cover photo to Facebook page / profile, or change it
- Change the language of your Facebook account
- Change your Facebook password
- Change your birthday or birthdate year on Facebook
- Change your name on Facebook (first / last / nickname...)
- Enable Facebook Login Approvals to protect your account
- Enter your login code on Facebook (Code Generator)
- Limit or stop Facebook notifications (email, SMS, mobile)
- Prevent people finding you by email address on Facebook
- Rename a Facebook page or change its URL
- Schedule a Facebook post for later (publish it in advance!)
- What's the Facebook Code Generator? Learn how to use it
Firefox Tutorial
- Add a search engine to Firefox
- Automatically reopen last tabs when launching Firefox
- Change default search engine in Firefox
- Change the Firefox new tab page to a blank page or URL
- Change theme in Firefox (color and background image)
- Change your download location (default folder) in Firefox
- Change your homepage in Firefox
- Clear all cookies or delete an individual cookie in Firefox
- Clear your cache / browsing history in Firefox
- Delete a saved password in Firefox
- Disable Firefox extension install button countdown timer
- Disable JavaScript in Firefox
- Disable PDF viewer in Firefox (download PDFs instead)
- Disable all plugins in Firefox / start without extensions
- Disable the popup blocker in Firefox (for all or some sites)
- Download + install Mozilla Firefox on Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Duplicate a tab in Firefox
- Email a link to a web page address (URL) in Firefox
- Export your Firefox bookmarks to Chrome / IE / Safari
- Find text on a web page in Firefox
- Import Internet Explorer favorites to Firefox
- Import your Chrome bookmarks into Firefox
- Install an extension in Firefox (add-on)
- Minimize Firefox to the system tray (notification area)
- Prevent Firefox from saving passwords for specific sites
- Set Firefox as default web browser in Windows 7
- Show Firefox taskbar thumbnail previews (Windows 7/8/10)
- Zoom in / out in Firefox + reset / change default zoom level
GoDaddy Tutorial
- Change nameservers for a GoDaddy-registered domain
- Change the default credit card in your GoDaddy account
- Change your GoDaddy account password or call-in PIN #
- Change your GoDaddy login (username/customer number)
- Check when a GoDaddy domain expires
- Delete a credit card or PayPal account in GoDaddy
- Disable GoDaddy privacy protection (private registration)
- Export + download your GoDaddy domain list to CSV file
- Prevent a GoDaddy domain from automatically renewing
- Register and buy a domain name with GoDaddy
- Show all GoDaddy domains billed for one year / date range
Google Tutorial
- Change cell phone number in your Google account
- Change language for your Google account
- Change the number of results Google shows per page
- Change your Google account password
- Check if a website is safe with Google Safe Browsing
- Create a Google alert without a Google or Gmail account
- Exclude search terms or websites in Google search results
- Find desktop wallpapers with Google image search
- Find exact word match (expression) with Google Search
- Google search by image: find copies / similar pictures
- Google-search only for PDFs / other specific file types
- Make Google stop showing search results while you type
- Only show results from a specific site in Google search
- Show 45-degree-angle view in the new Google Maps
Google Chrome Tutorial
- Add Amazon search to Google Chrome
- Add a bookmark and create bookmark folders in Chrome
- Add a tab menu to Google Chrome (vertical + searchable!)
- Add custom search engine to Google Chrome
- Add, change, or delete an Autofill address in Chrome
- Assign keyboard shortcut to Google Chrome extension
- Automatically open specific sites when launching Chrome
- Automatically reopen your last tabs when Chrome opens
- Best to-do list extension for Google Chrome
- Block a website (or specific URL) in Google Chrome
- Bookmark all open tabs in Google Chrome / in all windows
- Change Google Chrome language + translation settings
- Change default download location in Google Chrome
- Change the default search engine in Google Chrome
- Check for updates in Google Chrome / install upgrade
- Clear your cookies in Chrome (all, or a specific website's)
- Copy a Chrome tab's URL and title to your clipboard
- Delete or change a saved password in Google Chrome
- Disable "Would you like to translate this page" in Chrome
- Disable Chrome PDF viewer (download PDFs instead)
- Disable Chrome popup blocker (completely/for some sites)
- Disable or remove an extension from Google Chrome
- Disable the Flash player / PepperFlash plugin in Chrome
- Download + install Google Chrome on Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Email link to a web page address (URL) in Google Chrome
- Enable Flash or other plugins "on demand" in Chrome
- Enable Google Chrome extension in incognito mode
- Enable or disable website notifications in Google Chrome
- Export Chrome bookmarks to file for Firefox / IE / Safari...
- Find text on a web page in Google Chrome
- Hide a Google Chrome extension button (or restore it)
- How to install an extension (add-on) in Google Chrome
- Import HTML bookmark file into Google Chrome
- Import your Firefox bookmarks to Chrome
- Import your Internet Explorer favorites into Chrome
- Make extension buttons take less space in Google Chrome
- Merge windows and tabs in Google Chrome
- Minimize Chrome to the system tray (notification area)
- Reopen Chrome window / tab after accidentally closing
- Save a picture on Twitter without the 'Save As' command
- Save a web page as a PDF document in Chrome
- Set Google Chrome as default web browser in Windows 7
- Show the Home button / bookmark bar in Google Chrome
- Show the reader view (reading mode) in Google Chrome
- Surf incognito mode (private browsing) in Google Chrome
- View cookies in Chrome + filter by website / domain name
- View the permissions a Google Chrome extension needs
- View your recent browsing history in Google Chrome
- Zoom in/out in Google Chrome + change default zoom
Internet Explorer Tutorial
- Add a website to Internet Explorer's favorites bar (toolbar)
- Add web page shortcut from IE to desktop or start menu
- Automatically delete browsing history in Internet Explorer
- Bookmark / add website to Favorites in Internet Explorer
- Change default search engine in Internet Explorer 11/10/9
- Change download location (default folder) in IE 11 / 10 / 9
- Change the default font in Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Change web page text font size in Internet Explorer 11/10/9
- Clear browsing history cache in Internet Explorer 11/10/9
- Create a folder / subfolder in Internet Explorer Favorites
- Delete a shortcut or folder from Internet Explorer Favorites
- Disable AutoComplete (Autofill) in Internet Explorer 11/10/9
- Disable add-on (extension) in Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Disable compatibility view in Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Disable saving password in IE + delete saved passwords
- Disable taskbar thumbnails in Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Disable your popup blocker in Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Email link to web page from Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Enable or disable JavaScript in Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Export your Internet Explorer favorites (bookmarks)
- Find text on a web page in Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Five powerful search tips for Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Hide Internet Explorer taskbar thumbnail (tab previews)
- IE error message: The system cannot find the file specified
- Import Chrome bookmarks into Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Import Firefox bookmarks to Internet Explorer favorites
- Launch a private browsing session in Internet Explorer 11
- Make Internet Explorer new tab open a specific web page
- Open a link in a new tab or new window in IE 11 / 10 / 9
- Prevent Internet Explorer from auto-resizing large images
- Prevent Internet Explorer from coloring browser tabs
- Remove Bing suggested sites and news headlines in IE 11
- Save a web page on your PC in Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Set Internet Explorer as default web browser in Windows 7
- Set Internet Explorer's homepage / new tab to a blank page
- Show the classic menus in Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- View your download history in Internet Explorer 11 / 10 / 9
- Zoom in / out in Internet Explorer + change default zoom
iPhone Tutorial / iPad Tutorial
- Add an international keyboard to your iPhone or iPad
- Add/change iPhone mail signature ('Sent from my iPhone')
- Block a caller's phone number on your iPhone
- Change Siri language on your iPhone / iPad / iPod touch
- Change Siri to a male voice on your iPhone / iPad
- Change how quickly your iPhone / iPad locks itself
- Change iOS language for your iPhone / iPad / iPod touch
- Change time zone on your iPhone or iPad
- Change your iPhone's password (passcode / pin)
- Check for iOS updates on your iPhone / iPad / iPod touch
- Check how much storage space is left on an iPhone / iPad
- Connect to the internet with iPhone Wi-Fi personal hotspot
- Connect your iPhone to a (new) wireless router / network
- Create a playlist on your iPhone or iPad (without iTunes!)
- Dictate text in a different (foreign) language on iPhone
- Disable app notifications and alerts on your iPhone / iPad
- Disable new mail vibrate on your iPhone / iPad / iPod touch
- Enable Find My iPhone / iPad / iPod on your iOS device
- Enable Low Power Mode on your iPhone (yellow battery)
- Import ePub-format eBooks into iBooks on iPhone / iPad
- Prevent iBooks from auto-switching to night theme (black)
- Restore in-app purchases and functionality on iPhone/iPad
- Rotate a picture in the iOS Photos app (iPhone / iPad)
- Show military time (24-hour time format) on your iPhone
- Show the battery life percentage left on your iPhone / iPad
- Upgrade your iPhone / iPad to iOS 9 (how to install)
iTunes Tutorial
- Authorize a computer for iTunes (Windows or Mac OS X)
- Backup or export your iTunes Library
- Cancel magazine subscription from iTunes / iPhone / iPad
- Change credit card from iTunes on Windows / Mac OS X
- Change iTunes language from or back to English
- Change your iTunes library location on Windows 7 / 10
- Check for iTunes updates / get the latest version available
- Deauthorize a computer for iTunes (Windows / Mac OS X)
- Delete partially downloaded iTunes files (Windows 7/8/10)
- Download and install iTunes on Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Login to iTunes, or sign in with a different Apple ID
- Minimize iTunes to the system tray in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Prevent iTunes from automatically downloading purchases
- Show or hide button shortcuts in the iTunes toolbar
- Show the classic menus in iTunes for Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Stop iTunes asking a password every time for purchases
Kindle Fire Tablet Tutorial
- Add a lock screen password (pin number) on Kindle Fire
- Add photos to Amazon cloud drive from Mac/PC/Fire tablet
- Change Amazon email address from a (Kindle) Fire tablet
- Change Amazon password from your (Kindle) Fire tablet
- Change default search engine on your (Kindle) Fire tablet
- Change the name of your (Kindle) Fire tablet / Fire phone
- Check amount of storage space left on Kindle Fire tablet
- Check for software updates on your Kindle Fire tablet
- Disable auto brightness on your (Kindle) Fire tablet
- Disable auto-correct / auto-capitalize on Kindle Fire tablet
- Enable keyboard sounds on your (Kindle) Fire tablet
- Make font / text size larger on your Kindle Fire tablet
- Prevent the Amazon Silk browser from saving passwords
- Send a remote alarm beep/ring to your (Kindle) Fire tablet
- Show 24-hour, military time on your Kindle / Fire tablet
- Show percentage of battery left on Kindle / Fire tablet
- View your browsing history in the Amazon Silk browser
- What is my email address for Amazon Kindle / fire tablet?
Mac OS X Tutorial
- Add a new language / change your language in Mac OS X
- Add new users on Mac OS X (by creating "user accounts")
- Change screen resolution on Mac OS X (to exact pixels)
- Change the default mail application on Mac OS X
- Change the default web browser in Mac OS X
- Change trackpad mouse tracking speed in Mac OS X
- Change trackpad two-finger scroll direction in Mac OS X
- Change wallpaper (desktop background) in Mac OS X
- Change your computer name in Mac OS X
- Change your password on Mac OS X
- Enable 'Find My Mac' on your iMac / MacBook / Air / Pro
- Enable finger tap to click on the trackpad in Mac OS X
- Force quit an unresponsive or frozen app in Mac OS X
- Quickly show desktop in Mac OS X (gesture or hotkey)
- Show dark mode menu bar and dock theme in Mac OS X
- Show the volume slider in the Mac OS X menu bar
- Take a screenshot on Mac OS X (no software needed!)
- Upgrade your desktop or laptop to Mac OS X El Capitan
- Upgrade your iMac / MacBook / Air / Pro to macOS Sierra
- What version of Mac OS X do I have? + version numbers
Microsoft Excel Tutorial
- Add or remove worksheets in Excel 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Add the total of a series of numbers in Excel ('Auto Sum')
- Calculate an average of numbers in Excel 2016 / 2013
- Change a column width in Excel 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Create a budget template in Excel 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Delete a row or column in Excel 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Insert a row or column in Excel 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Select rows and columns in Excel 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Show or hide rows and columns in Excel 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Sort columns by cell values in Excel 2016 / 2013 / 2010
Microsoft Outlook Tutorial
- Add a repeat task / recurring reminder in Microsoft Outlook
- Add an email folder to your Favorites in Microsoft Outlook
- Add or change signature in Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Always show images in emails (Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010)
- Always show the ribbon in MS Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Automatically flag specific email messages in MS Outlook
- Can't format text or insert pictures in Microsoft Outlook!
- Change (or disable) the mail sound in Outlook Mobile
- Change email password in MS Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Change how often Microsoft Outlook checks for new mail
- Change how soon Outlook marks email messages as read
- Change the Outlook calendar's work week days + hours
- Change the color of your calendar in Outlook 2016 / 2013
- Change the default email account (send-from) in Outlook
- Change the default font and text size in Outlook 2016
- Change the default startup folder when you open Outlook
- Change the first day of the week in Outlook's calendar
- Change the reply-to email address in Microsoft Outlook
- Change theme (color scheme) in Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Change your 'From' display name in Microsoft Outlook
- Change your day's start time or time zone in MS Outlook
- Check emails for only one email account in MS Outlook
- Create a contact group (distribution list) in Outlook 2016
- Create a new contact in Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Customize the default categories and colors in Outlook
- Customize the left / right swipe gesture in Outlook Mobile
- Customize the quick access toolbar in Microsoft Outlook
- Customize, show, or hide weather in the Outlook calendar
- Delete a contact or suggested email address in Outlook
- Disable or delete an email account in Microsoft Outlook
- Disable the new mail popup in Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Edit or stop recurring reminders / repeat events in Outlook
- Email a picture from Microsoft Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Enable / disable sending emails with Ctrl+Enter in Outlook
- Enable, disable, or change the new mail sound in Outlook
- Export your safe senders list / blocked list from Outlook
- Find all email messages from the same sender in Outlook
- Flag a message for follow up in Microsoft Outlook
- Forward an email message (as attachment) from Outlook
- Hide the new mail envelope icon in Microsoft Outlook
- Import Gmail contacts to Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Import Hotmail contacts to Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Import your Yahoo contacts to Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Manually add email account in Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Minimize Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010 to the system tray
- Only show emails received today in Microsoft Outlook
- Prevent Microsoft Outlook from line-breaking links
- Prevent Outlook from saving email copies in Sent Items
- Quickly move email messages to folders in MS Outlook
- Remove file attachments from emails in MS Outlook
- Resend a message in Microsoft Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Save attachments in Microsoft Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Set a message importance (low/high priority) in Outlook
- Set a reminder in Microsoft Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Show all inbox emails in Mobile Outlook (iOS / Android)
- Show only unread messages in Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- View email headers in Microsoft Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- View the size of your IMAP folders in Microsoft Outlook
- View your Safe Senders List in Outlook 2016 / 2013 / 2010
MS Paint Tutorial
- Add text and change text color in MS Paint
- Change canvas size (drawing area) in MS Paint
- Change color in MS Paint (foreground / background fill)
- Crop a picture in MS Paint (only keep the selected area)
- Invert the colors of an image in MS Paint (Windows 7/8/10)
- Resize an image in MS Paint
- Rotate or flip picture (horizontally / vertically) in MS Paint
- Save an image in black and white in MS Paint
- Set / change desktop background wallpaper from MS Paint
- Zoom in or out of pictures in MS Paint on Windows 7 / 10
Microsoft Word Tutorial
- Add a new editing language in Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Add space between each bullet list item in Microsoft Word
- Cancel your Office 365 subscription (or reactivate it!)
- Change case in Word 2016 (uppercase / lowercase / invert)
- Change default save format and folder location in MS Word
- Change document margins in Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Change page size in Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Change the author name in Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Change the color of links in MS Word / remove underline
- Change view in a document in Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Check for latest version updates in Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Email a document from Microsoft Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Insert a copyright / registered / trademark symbol in Word
- Insert source code in a Word doc (without spelling issues)
- Password-protect a document in Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Recover an unsaved document in Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Restore classic Open / Save As dialog in Word 2016 / 2013
- Save a Word document in compatibility mode (.DOC)
- Save documents as PDF from Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
- Show, hide, or pin the ribbon and tabs in Word 2016 / 2013
- View the document outline (navigation pane) in Word 2016
- Zoom in or out of documents in Word 2016 / 2013 / 2010
Opera Tutorial
- Add a custom search engine to Opera
- Change language in the Opera web browser
- Change the default download location in Opera
- Change the default font and text size in Opera
- Change your default search engine in Opera
- Clear your cache in Opera (browsing history or cookies)
- Download + install the Opera browser on Windows 7/8/10
- Edit or delete a bookmark in the new Opera web browser
- Email link to a web page address (URL) in Opera
- Enable "one-key" advanced keyboard shortcuts in Opera
- Export Opera bookmarks to HTML for Chrome / Firefox / IE
- How to install an extension in the Opera web browser
- Import your Google Chrome bookmarks into Opera
- Read RSS feeds in the new Opera web browser (v. 15+)
Rackspace Mail Tutorial
- Add a new website to Rackspace Cloud Sites
- Add an email account to a Rackspace Cloud Sites domain
- Change the number of emails per page in Rackspace Mail
- Change your email password in Rackspace Mail
- Create a filter (email rule) in Rackspace Mail
- Create a signature in Rackspace Mail (or change it)
- Login to your email account with Rackspace webmail
- Renew an SSL certificate for a Rackspace Cloud site
- Set up automatic mail forwarding in Rackspace Mail
- Turn off the new mail sound in Rackspace Mail
- Wrong time stamps! Change time zone in Rackspace Mail
Safari Tutorial
- Add / remove websites from your Top Sites in Safari
- Change default search engine in Safari
- Change font size and set the minimum text size in Safari
- Change where Safari saves downloaded files by default
- Change your homepage in Safari on Mac OS X
- Email a link or entire web page from Safari on Mac OS X
- Export Safari bookmarks to Chrome / Firefox / HTML file
- Set Safari as default web browser in Mac OS X
- Set multiple tabs as homepage in Safari on Mac OS X
Twitter Tutorial
- Add (or change) your Twitter profile picture ("avatar")
- Change the email address in your Twitter account
- Change your Twitter password
- Change your Twitter username (different "@" handle)
- Change your name on Twitter (real name / business name)
- Create a Twitter account (personal / for your business)
- Disable SMS text message notifications on Twitter
- Hide your email address or phone number on Twitter
- Reset your forgotten Twitter account password
- Subscribe to a Twitter user's timeline as an RSS feed
Windows 7 Tutorial
- Add / change password hint for you / other Windows users
- Add a folder to a library in Windows 7 (Documents, etc.)
- Add a font in Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (or re-install it)
- Add a program / shortcut to the start menu in Windows 7
- Add a wireless printer in Windows 7 (on the local network)
- Add an icon to the taskbar in Windows 7 (pin a program)
- Add password protection to a Windows 7 user account
- Add program / folder to Send-to menu in Windows 7/8/10
- Add your own pictures to the Windows wallpaper folder
- Add/remove/restore favorite folders in Windows Explorer
- Automatically change wallpaper in Windows 7 (slideshow)
- Automatically launch program on startup in Windows 7
- Automatically pass arguments to a program in Windows 7
- Automatically reconnect to shared drive in Windows 7/8/10
- Automatically show or hide the taskbar in Windows 7/8/10
- Cancel printing a document in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Change Windows account type (administrator / standard)
- Change a folder's icon in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Change a folder's preview picture in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Change computer name in Windows 7
- Change country settings / default location in Windows 7
- Change credit card associated with your Microsoft account
- Change cursor size in Windows 7 (larger mouse pointer)
- Change file associations in Windows 7 (default program)
- Change icon size on your Windows 7 desktop
- Change ink cartridge in HP Officejet Pro 8600 / 8000 series
- Change mouse wheel scroll speed in Windows 7
- Change screen orientation in Windows 7 (portrait mode)
- Change the administrator's password in Windows 7
- Change the text cursor / blinking insertion point thickness
- Change time (system clock) or time zone in Windows 7/8
- Change your Aero glass color scheme in Windows 7
- Change your Microsoft account password
- Change your Windows 7 password
- Change your laptop trackpad scroll speed (Windows 7/10)
- Change your screen resolution in Windows 7
- Change your user account picture in Windows 7
- Change your username in Windows 7 (or another user's)
- Change your wallpaper desktop background in Windows 7
- Check which graphics card / GPU you have (Windows PC)
- Connect to another PC on your local network / remotely
- Copy a file path (or folder path) in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Copy fonts from one PC to another in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Copy/paste text in Windows command line (DOS prompt)
- Create a Microsoft account
- Create a custom screen resolution with Intel HD Graphics
- Create a new user account in Windows 7
- Create a shortcut in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Create a zip file in Windows 7 (compressed archive folder)
- Customize button functions for Evoluent Vertical Mouse 4
- Disable "This publisher could not be verified" message
- Disable Aero Peek transparent windows in Windows 7/8/10
- Disable Aero effects / visual themes in Windows 7
- Disable ClearType text + font smoothing in Windows 7
- Disable UAC prompt in Windows 7 (User Account Control)
- Disable Windows 7 startup sound / other system sounds
- Disable auto update setting of Windows clock to DST
- Disable combining taskbar icons in groups in Windows 7
- Disable password when Windows wakes from sleep mode
- Disable rotate-display keyboard shortcuts (Intel Graphics)
- Disable sleep in Windows 7 / wait longer before sleeping
- Disable the Aero transparent glass effect in Windows 7
- Disable your laptop's fingerprint reader in Windows 7
- Disable your microphone in Windows 7 (or re-enable it)
- Disk cleanup: delete old / temporary files in Windows 7
- Download + install Adobe Flash Player in Windows 7/8/10
- Download + install Office 2016 preview beta on your PC
- Download and install a custom theme pack in Windows 7
- Email a smaller version of an image file in Windows 7 / 10
- Enable auto-complete that selects the text on the right
- Enable or disable the Windows firewall in Windows 7
- Enable screensaver in Windows 7 + customize its settings
- Export a Windows 7 theme copy for backup or to share it!
- Find out if your version of Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit
- Find out your computer's external / internal IP address
- Five steps to make Windows 7 more secure
- Fix the 'PC keeps waking up' problem in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Fix the 'local print spooler service is not running' error
- Force a program to always start maximized / minimized
- Get a PDF print driver (virtual printer) for Windows 7/8/10
- Get file size or folder size in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Get image file's dimensions or size in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Get the URL (web address) of an image you found online
- Hide (or remove) the Windows 10 upgrade tray notification
- Hide Windows updates you don't want installed
- Hide a folder + show hidden folders in Windows 7/8/10
- Hide desktop icons and Recycle Bin in Windows 7
- How to buy Office 2016 / Office 365 after your trial expires
- How to open MP4 video files in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- How to open RAR files in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Increase the font size in Windows 7 (or decrease it)
- Install a Windows program that doesn't have an installer
- Keyboard backlight timer on HP laptop / EliteBook / ZBook
- Launch a program with a keyboard shortcut in Windows 7
- Make Windows search faster, with less high CPU usage!
- Map a network drive in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Minimize a program to the system tray in Windows 7/8/10
- Move or resize your taskbar in Windows 7 / 8
- Move the menus back to the right in Windows 7
- Move window with keyboard shortcut in Windows 7/8/10
- Open folder path in Windows Explorer (Windows 7/8/10)
- Powerful file selection techniques in Windows 7 / 10
- Prevent Microsoft from upgrading your PC to Windows 10
- Prevent Windows 7 from automatically installing updates
- Prevent Windows Update from restarting your computer
- Prevent changes to file in Windows 7 / 10 (make read-only)
- Prevent clock from auto syncing time in Windows 7 / 8
- Prevent users from changing their Windows password
- Prevent your mouse from waking up your Windows PC
- Remove a font in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Remove checkboxes next to files in Windows Explorer
- Remove games / folder / start menu in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Rename / change start menu shortcut icon in Windows 7
- Restart a computer through remote desktop connection
- Run program as administrator/different user in Windows 7
- Set (or change) your default web browser in Windows 7
- Set two different default web browsers in Windows 7
- Show / hide notification area icon in Windows 7 systray
- Show battery icon in taskbar + percentage battery life left
- Show comma separator / square in Windows calculator
- Show date + week day in system clock (Windows 7/8)
- Show file extensions in Windows 7
- Show military time (24-hour) in Windows 7/8 system clock
- Show multiple clocks and time zones in Windows 7 / 8
- Show seconds in the system clock in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Show small icons in Windows 7 start menu / taskbar
- Show the current folder / subfolders in Windows Explorer
- Show your to-do list as desktop background (wallpaper)
- Take a screenshot in Windows 7 / 8 / 10 + save or email it
- Turn off animations in Windows 7 (maximize effects, etc.)
- Underline access keys (keyboard shortcuts) in Windows 7
- Uninstall Adobe Flash Player in Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Uninstall Windows updates already installed on your PC
- Uninstall a program in Windows 7 (completely remove)
- What is your Windows main drive or primary partition?
- Where are programs installed in Windows 7 / 8 / 10?
- Windows' clock disappeared! Restore the system clock
WordPress Tutorial
- Add a logo to your WordPress blog / website
- Add a new theme to your WordPress blog or website
- Change page background color in your WordPress blog
- Change the theme of your WordPress blog or website
- Create a WordPress blog on Rackspace Cloud Sites
- Hide or delete a post in your WordPress blog / website
- Install a new plugin on your WordPress blog / website
- Password-protect a post on a WordPress blog / website
- Remove "Just Another WordPress Site" from your blog
- Update a WordPress blog, for security and latest features